Wednesday, 30 June 2021

L3 Advance Features of Ms Excel / Class 7th Computer


Class 7th
Subject : Computer
Lesson 3 : Advance features of Microsoft Excel

Paste and label component of Ms Excel Window



A. Fill in the blanks

Cell Chart Three Print 16384

1. There are 16384  columns in a worksheet.

2. The intersection of row and column is known as cell .

3. Chart  is a graphical representation of data.

4. There are three (3) types of referencing in MS Excel.

5. Print option is used to print a worksheet.




B. True or False

1. Wrap text is used to move your text in multiple lines.              True

2. In absolute referencing & symbol is used.                                False

3. Bar and columns are two types of charts.                                True

4. The cell with highlighted boundary is known as Active cell.   True

5. In relative referencing value is copied instead of formula.      False

C. Short answer type questions.

1. Write any four components of MS Excel.


Components of Ms-Excel are :

1. Worksheet : A worksheet is made up of rows and columns. By default, work book

has three worksheets. You can add any number of worksheets in a workbook.

2. Row Heading : Each row in excel represent a specific number and it is present

on the left side of a worksheet. There are 1,048,576 rows in a worksheet.

3. Column Heading : Each column in excel represent column heading and it is present on the top of a worksheet. There are 16,384 columns in a worksheet.

4. Cell : It is a intersection of row and column. Each cell has its unique address. Example of cell address is A1, F5 or T7. It contains letter and number.

5. Active Cell : The cell with highlighted boundary is known as active cell.

6. Name Box : It displays the location of the cell pointer.

7. Formula Bar : It shows the character or formulas that you enter in active cell


2. Name three types of referencing

Ans: REFERENCING : The cell address in a formula is known as the cell referencing. By using it you can use the data in different parts of a worksheet. There are three types of referencing.

1. Relative Referencing

2. Absolute Referencing

3. Mixed Referencing


3. List various types of charts you use in MS Excel

Ans: There are various types of chart available in MS Excel

1. Bar chart

2. Column chart

3. Line chart

4. Area chart

5. XY Scatter chart

 6. PIE chart

7. Doughnut chart

 8. Radar chart

9. Bubble chart


D. Long answer type questions.

1. What is the use of Excel?

Ans: MS Excel is a powerful spread sheet component which allows us to calculate, manipulate our data. It consists of rows and columns to make our work easier.


2. Differentiate between ROW heading and COLUMN heading.

Ans: Row Heading : Each row in excel represent a specific number and it is present on the left side of a worksheet. There are 1,048,576 rows in a worksheet.

Column Heading : Each column in excel represent column heading and it is present on the top of a worksheet. There are 16,384 columns in a worksheet.


3. Write the steps to apply WRAP TEXT?

Ans: Steps to apply Text Wrap

Step 1. Click on the cell in which you want to move the text in next line.

Step 2. Select HOME button choose WRAP TEXT on Alignment group. Now your text will represent in multiple lines.


4. What is chart? Also draw diagram of any two types of charts after seeing in your computer.

Ans: CHARTS : Charts are the graphical representation of your worksheet data. It make it easy to represent our data in comparison manner or to show it in relational manner.





Saturday, 26 June 2021

L-3 Advance feature in Ms Word/ Class-5 Computer


Class -5th

Subject computer

L- 3 Advance feature in Ms Word

A. Fill in the blanks:

clip art, word art, file, text formatting, arrows, add text, callouts

1. Pictures can be imported into Word document from File  from

Clip art or from other software.

2. Word Art is a set of predefined text formatting.

3. If you want to write in the Auto shape object, right-click inside the shape and select the option add text .

4. Word art allows you to create text effects that are not available through font formatting.

5. The auto shapes menu contains many categories of  arrows,

flowchart elements, stars and callouts .

B. Write the steps to insert the following:

1. Word Art

Ans: To insert the WordArt:

Step 1 : Click on Insert tab.

Step 2 : Click on WordArt under text group.

Step 3 : Select a style and click on it.

Step 4 : The “Edit WordArt Text” dialog box

appear, type the text you want to insert in the


Step 5 : Click on OK.


2. A picture from file :

Ans: To Insert A Picture From File:

Step 1 : Place your insertion point where  you want the image to appear.

Step 2 : Select the Insert tab.

Step 3 : Click the Picture command.

Step 4 : Select the image file on your computer.

Step 5 : Click on Insert and it will appear in your document.


3. Clip Art

Ans: To Insert Picture from Clip Art:

Step 1 : Place your insertion point where you

want the image to appear

Step 2 : Click on the Clip Art command from

Insert tab.

Step 3 : The clip art option appears in the task

pane on the right

Step 4 : Enter keywords in the Search for: field

that is related to the image you want to


Step 5 : View the various Clip Art images using vertical scroll bar and click on the

desired Clip Art image to insert.


4. A shape

Ans: To insert a shape in document:

Step 1 : Click on the Insert tab.

Step 2 : Click on the Shapes Option.

Step 3 : Click a shape from the menu. Your

cursor is now on cross shape.

Step 4 : Click your mouse and while holding

it down, drag your mouse until the

shape is the desired size.

Step 5 : Release the mouse button.


C. State True or False:

1. The intersection of a column and row is called table. True

2. The Word Art button is available in Home tab. False

3. You can copy a symbol only for once. False

4. You cannot write text in shapes.  False

5. The Clip Art folder contains readymade pictures or graphics. True




A. Answer in one word:

1. Which option allows you to visually communicate information rather than  simply using text?

Ans: Smart Art


2. Name the gallery of text styles used for adding special text  effects.

Ans: Word Art


3. Which tab contains Clip art option.

Ans: Insert Tab


4. Write two methods of inserting pictures in a document.

Ans: a) From File , b) From Clip art


B. Answer the following Question:

1. What is Word Art?

Ans: Word Art is a set of predefined text formatting.


2. What is Smart Art?

Ans: Smart Art allows you to visually communicate information rather than simply using text.


3. Write the steps to fill color in shapes.

Ans: To Insert A Table :

Step 1: Click on Insert tab.

Step 2 : Click on Table from tables group.

Step 3 : Click on Insert table option.

Step 4 : Enter the number of columns and rows you want to insert in your table  from the insert table dialog box.

Step 5 : Click on OK button.


4. Write the steps to insert a Table in document.

Ans: To fill color in Shapes:

Step 1 : Select the shape. A new Format tab  appears with Drawing Tools.

Step 2 : Click the Shape Fill command to  display a drop-down list.

Step 3 : Select a color from the list, choose No  Fill, or choose one of the other  options.


5. How can you give 3D effect to a shape?

Ans: To change 3D effects :

You cannot add a 3D effect to all shapes.

Step 1 : Select the Format tab.

Step 2 : Click the 3-D Effects command.

Step 3 : Click an option to select the 3D effect.



Wednesday, 9 June 2021

L 3 Know About Windows / Class 4


Class – 4th

Subject : Computer

Lesson 3 Know About Windows

A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) :


1. Working on more than one application is called :-

a) Multitasking

b) Multi Sharing

c) Multi Purpose


2. Which option opens the start menu?

a) Windows button

b) Computer icon

c) Start Button


3. On the desktop, my computer is a / an :

a) Icon

b) file

c) Image


4. The collection of data stored together is called a :

a) Folder

b) Icon

c) File


5. The entire screen of windows is called :

a) Images

b) Icons

c) Desktop


B. Fill in the blanks :-

Icons, ellipses, wallpaper, taskbar, desktop, Ctrl + N


1. Ctrl + N  is the shortcut key to create a New folder.

2. The taskbar is usually located on the bottom of the desktop.

3. The desktop has many small labelled pictures known as icons.

4. Ellipses are used in on screen menus to convey that more to come.

5. The background image that you see on the desktop is called wallpaper.

C. State True or False :

1. An operating system controls all the activities of a computer. True

2. Window 8 is the latest version of windows. False

3. A file is a place where you can store a folder. False

4. File/Folder can be renamed by pressing F2.

5. The Control Panel allows you to change the settings of your computer True


D. Matching

E. Who Am I?

1. I am the first screen that you see after Windows has loaded on your computer. Desktop

2. I am the background picture that appears on the desktop. Wallpaper

3. I am the image that you see when your computer is idle for a set period of time. Screensaver

4. I am the group of small pictures on the desktop that represent different programs, files and folders. Icons

5. I am the long rectangular bar present at the bottom of the desktop.Taskbar


F  Answer the following questions :-

1. What is window?

Ans: Window is an operating system. It controls the overall activities of the computer system. It is a medium through which we can interact with the hardware, using software.


2. Write any three features of windows?

Ans: Features of windows are

1. Graphical User Interface (GUI) : Windows is the first graphical operating

system in which all designing work or multimedia work can be performed.

2. Multitasking : Multitasking allows you to run more than one application at a


For example : you work on paint/Ms Word and can listen simultaneously.

3. Aero Peek : Look right through open windows to see the icons, gadgets and

anything on your desktop, all with a simple move of your cursor.

4. Jump Lists : Jump Lists keep the most recent things you have visited.

For example : the jump list for internet explorer shows the recently opened

web sites.

5. Libraries : Easily find the files you are looking for and manage them.


3. Differentiate between File and Folder. Mention any two points.

Ans: Files : Files are the work we done in computer i.e. word, doc, paint etc. 

(The area on disk where our work is saved with a particular name is known as a file name which is useful to identify the file.)


FOLDER : Folder is a place where many files are stored. The icon for a folder is one that looks like a briefcase. 

Sub-Folder : A folder can also contain a folder inside it. A folder within a folder is called Sub- Folder.


4. What is Ellipses?

Ans: In some option you will see three dots. These dots are called ellipses. Ellipses are used on screen menus to convey that there is more to come. 

(e.g. if you select save, the save as dialogue box appears.)


5. What is the use of Control Panel?

Ans: The control panel is a section of windows that enables a user to change various computer hardware and software features e.g. settings for the mouse, display, sound, network and keyboard etc.


G.  Rearrange the jumbled letters with the help of the given hints:


Hint : It is a collection of data and information.




Hint : It is the first screen that appears after Windows has loaded on the computer.




Hint : This small picture used to access whatever is stored on the  computer.




Hint : It is the coloured bar on top of the screen and contains the name or title of the window which is currently open.




Hint : The button is used to enlarge the window to its maximum size.


L-1 Indian Heroes in IT/ 8th computer

  Class 8 th Subject : Computer Science L-1 Indian Heroes in IT Make a list of Indian Heroes in IT with their achievement S....