Wednesday, 25 October 2023

L-5 HTML/ Class 6

 Class -VI

L-5 Basic of HTML

A) Fill in the blanks:

1) <title> tag is used to display the title of the document.

2) HTML tags are divided into two categories.

3) We can save our HTML file with .html extensions.

4) <br> tag is used to move your text on next line.

5) The attributes of font tag are color, face and size.

B) State 'T' for True or 'F' for False:

1) <B> tag is used to make out text bold.            TRUE

2) Heading tag has six levels from H1 to H6       TRUE

3) HEAD section contains body part.                   FALSE

4) HTML is a case sensitive language.                 FALSE

5) Container tag has both starting and ending.      TRUE

C) Short answer type questions:

1) Name some popular web browser.

Ans: Some popular web browsers:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Microsoft Edge
  4. Apple Safari
  5. Opera
  6. Brave
  7. Vivaldi
  8. UC Browser
  9. Tor Browser

2) How many levels of heading tag have? Name highest and lowest level.

Ans: HTML has six levels of heading tags, ranging from <h1> (highest level) to <h6> (lowest level).

3) Name the tag use to change the appearance of the text. Also give its attributes.

Ans: The <font> tag is used to change the appearance of text in HTML. However, it is now considered obsolete, and the use of CSS is recommended for styling. If you still want to change the appearance of text, consider using CSS properties like font-family, font-size, and color.

D) Long answer type questions:

1) What are the characteristics of HTML language?

Ans: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language used for creating the structure of web pages. Here are some key characteristics of HTML:

  1. Markup Language: HTML uses a markup structure with tags to define elements on a web page. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets, such as <tag>.
  2. Hierarchy and Nesting: HTML elements can be nested within each other to create a hierarchical structure for content on a web page.
  3. Document Structure: HTML documents have a standard structure, including a head section for metadata (title, links to stylesheets, etc.) and a body section for the main content.
  4. Platform-Independent: HTML is platform-independent and can be rendered on various devices and browsers, providing a consistent structure for content.
  5. Linking and Embedding: HTML allows the creation of hyperlinks to link one page to another or to link to different types of resources. It also supports embedding multimedia elements like images and videos.
  6. Semantic Markup: HTML provides a set of semantic tags (e.g., <header>, <footer>, <article>) that give meaning to the content, making it more accessible and understandable for both browsers and developers.
  7. Extensibility: HTML can be extended through the use of attributes and custom data attributes to provide additional information about elements.
  8. W3C Standards: HTML is maintained and developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), ensuring standardization and compatibility across different platforms and browsers.
  9. Versioned: HTML evolves over time, with new versions introducing features, improvements, and optimizations. HTML5 is the latest major version.

2) Write the basic structure of HTML document.
Ans: The basic structure of an HTML document consists of five essential elements:

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>: This declaration informs the browser about the HTML version used in the document.

  2. <html>: The root element of an HTML document, encompassing the entire webpage's structure.

  3. <head>: Contains metadata about the HTML page, including the title, character encoding, and links to external resources like CSS files.

  4. <title>: Specifies the title of the HTML page, which is displayed in the browser's title bar or tab.

  5. <body>: Defines the main content of the HTML page, containing all the visible elements like text, headings, images, links, tables, lists, and other interactive components.

3) Differentiate between container and non container tag?
Ans: In HTML, tags are used to define the structure and formatting of a webpage. Among these tags, container tags and non-container tags play distinct roles in organizing and presenting content.

Container tags are paired tags that enclose and group other elements within the webpage. They act as containers or wrappers for other tags, defining sections or blocks of content. Examples of container tags include <div>, <p>, <table>, and <ul>.

Non-container tags, also known as empty tags, are self-closing tags that do not require a closing tag. They represent specific elements or actions within the webpage and do not enclose any other content. Examples of non-container tags include <br>, <hr>, <img>, and <meta>.

4) Expand the terms:
  •  <B> Define bold text.
  •  <BR> Insert a single line break.
  •  <HTML> Define HTML document.
  • <HEAD> Define information about the document.
  • <TITLE> Define the title of the document which will display at the title bar.
  • <BODY> Define document body.
  • <H1> to <H6> Define HTML headings.
  • <P> Define paragraph.
  • <I> Define italic text.
  • <U> Define underlined text.
  • <FONT> Define font, color and size for the text.
  • <SUB> Define subscript text.
  • <SUP> Define superscript text.
  • <STRONG> Define important text.
  • <HR> To insert horizontal rule.
  • <IMG SRC> To insert an image.

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