Friday, 26 November 2021

L-6 Ms-Word / Class-3 Computer


Class – 3rd

Subject : Computer Science

 L-6 Ms-Word 2010

Paste and label component of word window

Make a list of  shortcut commands






Ctrl + N



Ctrl + O



Ctrl + S



Ctrl + W



Alt + F4



Ctrl + P


A. Fill in the blanks :

{ Hint : save, cursor, title, Ms Word 2010, eight }

1. Ms-Word 2010  is popular word processing software.

2. The title  bar shows the title of the program

3. The  cursor  is the blinking line in the document area.

4. There are  eight  tabs present on Ms Word 2010 window.

5. The save  option lets you save the document for future use.

B. Multiple choice question.

1. Which is not word processing software?

a) Notepad                                    b) WordPad                           c) Paint

2. Which tab let you create a new document file?

a) Home tab                                  b) View tab                            c) File tab

3. Which contains various command buttons and tabs?

a) Title bar                                    b) Ribbon                              c) status bar

4. Which helps you to increase and decrease the zoom level?

a) View button                            b) Status bar                         c) Zoom slider

5. Which of these do you click to start Ms Word?

a) Taskbar                                     b) Start button                          c) gadgets

C. Rearrange the jumble letters to get the right answer.

1. VASE SA                         SAVE AS

2. LIFE                                 FILE

 3. TARTS                            START

4. SKETDOP                      DESKTOP

D. State True or False.

1. The open option helps to save a file.                                                   FALSE

2. Exit options close the document but not the word application.      FALSE

3. The new, open and save options are located in the home tab.         FALSE

4. Tabs are just below the title bar on the ribbon.                             TRUE

5. Quick access toolbar is located on the right hand side on the title bar.    FALSE

E. Answer them.

1. What is Ms Word 2010?

Ans: Ms Word 2010 is a word processor application.

2. Name any five component of Word2010 window.

Ans: 1) Title bar

2) Ribbon

3) Tab

4) Cursor

5) Scroll bar

3. What is document area?

Ans: The  area where we can type our text is called document area.


4. What do you mean by word processing software?

Ans: A word processor is an application software that helps us in typing, editing, formatting and printing the text.

5. What is the use of quick access toolbar?

Ans: Quick Access Toolbar  is located on the left side of the title bar. It contains the commonly used commands like save, undo and redo.


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