Subject – Computer
L-6 HTML Basics
A. Choose the Correct Answer.
1. The full form of HTML is…………………
1. Hyper text makeup language
2. Hyper text markup language
3. Hyper text mode language
4. None of the above
2. This attribute is used to set the color of the background.
1. BGcolor 2. Colour
2. Background colour 4.
None of these
3. HTML define ………………level of headings.
1. 6 2.
3. 5 4.
None of these
4. The valid range of size attribute of base font in html is
1. 1-3 2.
3. 1-6 4.
5. Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading.
1. <heading> 2.
3. <h6> 4.
6. What are the two parts that all normal web pages consist?
1. Top and Bottom 2.
Head and Body
3. Body and Tags 4.
None of these
B. Fill in the blanks:-
HTML are initials that stand for hyper text
markup language .
Any HTML document prepares a full webpage .
File extension of HTML document is given as .HTML
/ .HTM
The HTML <TITLE > tag is
used for declaring the title of the HTML document.
The title tag is placed between the opening and closing <HEAD> tag.
C. Answer questions:-
1. What is HTML? What are its uses?
2. What are the three basic elements of an HTML Document?
Ans: 1. Html Tag :- This is a container element. Through this, document is
recognized as HTML document or this element signifies that the document you are
using is an
2. Head Tag :- This is also a
container element, which is used for defining the HTML document, but it does
not put any effect on the presentation.
3. Title Tag :- The
HTML<title> tag is used for declaring the title of the html document.
4. Body Tag :- All the main
contents of the document are kept in the container element. BACKGROUND.
BGCOLOR, TEXT, etc. attributes are kept in Body element.
3. Difference between the ordered list and Unordered list.
Ordered List |
Unordered List |
An ordered list is a
collection of objects ordered by value |
An unordered list is a collection of objects with no inherent order. |
It is also known as number list. |
It is also known as bulleted list. |
4. What are the different Direction of Right & left tag.
1. Left :- It means that the block of text will scroll
towards left hand side from the extreme right hand side of the web page.
Right :- It means that the block of text will scroll
towards the right hand side from the extreme left hand side of the web page.
5. How will you align text with the images in an HTML
Ans: Use Alignment
attribute to align image in HTML | <img> align Attribute
1. left: It sets the
alignment of image to the left.
2. right: It sets the
alignment of image to the right.
3. middle: It sets the
alignment of image to the middle.
4. top: It sets the
alignment of image to the top.
5. bottom: It sets the
alignment of image to the bottom.
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