Wednesday, 1 December 2021

L-7 Introduction to C / Class-8 Computer



Subject – Computer

L-7 Introduction to C

A. Choose the Correct Answer.

1. C language was designed and written by.

1. Dennis Ritchie                           2. Ritchie

2. Ken Thompson                           4. Martin Richard


2. C is a well structured high level programming language developed by

1. AT&T                                           2. AT&T bell laboratories

3. Cambridge university                 4. AT&T bell lab


3. Assignment Operators in C language.

1. =                                                   2. %

3. /                                                    4. &


4. These are supports to increment & decrement the value of identifiers of variables by.

1. 2                                                   2. 0

3. 1                                                   4. ++


5. Symbol of AND operators in c language.

1. &&                                                2. ||

3. !                                                    4. % 


B. Fill in the blanks:-

1. C stands between HLL  and LLL.

2. C is a well-structured high level programming language.

3. C developed by AT & T bell Laboratories of USA during 1972 years.

4. CPL developed by Cambridge University .

5. if ( ) statement the logical condition is tested which results in either TRUE  orFALSE .


C. Answer questions:-

1. What is a C?

Ans: C is a well- structured high level programming language (HLL) developed by AT&T bell

Laboratories of USA during 1972's. This language was designed and written by

Dennis Ritchie, in the late seventy. C language replaced the most of the familiar HLL,

like PL/1, ALGOL etc.


2. Write any characteristics of a C language?

Ans: Characteristics/ advantages of C

The following characteristics of 'C' made this language more powerful & popular.

a. C is a structured programming language.

b. C is a general Purpose Programming language.

c. C has rich and powerful set of operators.

d. C provides more compact representatives for all types of expressions.

e. It supports a rich set of data declaration and data type.

f. C has very less number of reserved words.

g. C allows manipulation of internal process registers.

h. C has ability to extend itself by adding more functions to its library.

i. It has powerful ability to perform pointer arithmetic and pointer manipulation.


3. Explain the difference between while loop and do loop?

Ans: While ( ) loop…………………………………..

While( ) statement perform the loop in desired number of time. It is conditional looping

depending on the conditions it performs. It repeats the statements till given condition is

True. Once the given condition is fails it automatically terminate the loop.( it is Test do





<set of statemtn in loop;>


do- while…………………………………………..

It is do test process. It performs the set of loop statements first, then it will check the

condition. It repeats the set of statements till given condition is true.




<set of statement in loop;>initialize}



int i=0;



I= i+1;





4. The difference between Arithmetic operators and Assignment operators.

Ans: Arithmetic operators support the manipulation of digits

(integers and floating numbers)


Assignment operator= (equal) evaluates the expression on the right hand side &

assigns the resulting values to the variables on the left hand side, ss.

Example:- Sum= 0



Note L difference between = and == sign.

= this sign act as Assignment Operator

Example: A= 100 [ Value 100 assigned to A]

= = This sign act as Relational Operator [ Which allows to compare]

Example: if (A==B) [ it means to check the A equal to B]


5. Write a note on.

1. Print statement

Ans: Print Statement

Printf() is a function which is used to display any value or constants or variable or

any expression on the screen.


Printf (“ < format String>”, <list of variables>);

<format string> are as follows:

%f = it is used for printing real values

%d = it is used for integer value

%c = = it is used for character value

%s = it is used for string value


2. Scan statement

Ans: Scanf () : the function of scanf ( ) is to accept the value from the user through keyboard,

after execute the statement and assign to its corresponding variable name.


Scanf(“<format string>”. <list of variables>);


6. Write a program to calculate the simple interest.

1.      Ans: #include<stdio.h>  

2.      int main()   

3.          {   

4.              float P , R , T , SI ;  

5.             P =34000; R =30;  T = 5;  

6.              SI  = (P*R*T)/100;   

7.              printf("\n\n Simple Interest is : %f", SI);  

8.              return (0);  

9.          }  



7. Write a program to calculate the even or odd.

1. Ans: 
#include <stdio.h>


3. void main()

4. {

5.     int i, num, odd_sum = 0, even_sum = 0;


7.     printf("Enter the value of num\n");

8.     scanf("%d", &num);

9.     for (i = 1; i <= num; i++)

10.    {

11.        if (i % 2 == 0)

12.            even_sum = even_sum + i;

13.        else

14.            odd_sum = odd_sum + i;

15.    }

16.    printf("Sum of all odd numbers  = %d\n", odd_sum);

17.    printf("Sum of all even numbers = %d\n", even_sum);




8. Write a program the sum of 10 digits by while loop.

Ans: /* C Program to Find Sum of Digits of a Number using While Loop */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


  int Number, Reminder, Sum=0;

  printf("\n Please Enter any number\n");

  scanf("%d", &Number);

  while(Number > 0)


     Reminder = Number % 10;

     Sum = Sum+ Reminder;

     Number = Number / 10;


  printf("\n Sum of the digits of Given Number = %d", Sum);

  return 0;




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