Saturday, 29 January 2022

L-8 Networking / Class 8th computer



Subject – Computer

L-8 Networking

Draw and label type of network

Draw and Label type of Topology

A. Choose the correct answer

1. Which is the most commonly used network card.

1. Wi- Fi                        2. Bluetooth           3. Ethernet Network Card

2. What do we call the computers that are connected to the server?

1. Nodes                       2. Laptop                       3. Pc

3. …………….is a device that connects wireless communication devices to form a wireless network.

1. WAN                          2. Wi- Fi                         3. WAP


B. Fill in the blanks:-

1. In a Star topology , the local computers are connected to host computer.

2. In a  star topology, the host computer is connected to local computer.

3. The message is transmitted online and thus, it sets up a local area network

4. PAN is a computer network created for an individual person.

5. Network  System allows us to talk to any person in the world at any time.

C. State True or False

1. Nodes and servers have the same function.                   FALSE

2. Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity.                                    TRUE

3. WAN stands for Wide Area Network.                                TRUE

4. PAN generally covers a range of less than 10 meters. TRUE

5. Modern Ethernet networks use twisted pair cable containing eight wires.                                                                                                TRUE

D. Answer the following

1. What is Networking ? Give some common relevant examples.

Ans: A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data. An excellent example of a network is the Internet, which connects millions of people all over the world


2. List some advantages of Networking

Ans: Networking a computer brings efficiency, economy, and effectiveness in any organization.

1)  Efficient Use of Storage Media

2)  Preserving Information

3)  Reduction in Hardware Costs

4)  Efficiency

5)  Redundancy

6)  Quickest Document Delivery


3. Differentiate between LAN and WAN




LAN stands for Local Area Network.

WAN stands for Wide Area Network.

The speed of LAN is high(more than WAN).

While the speed of WAN is slower than LAN.

LAN’s design and maintenance is easy.

WAN design and maintenance is difficult than LAN.

LAN covers small area i.e. within the building.

While WAN covers large geographical area.



4. Explain the term 'Network Topology'.

Ans: Network Topology is the arrangement of various elements (links, nodes, etc) of a computer on a logical network. Essentially, it is the topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically.


5. Explain the following:

1. Star Topology

Ans: In Star  topology there is a host computer storing all data and

information which is connected to the local computers. The local

computers are not linked directly to each other. They communicate

only via the host computer through multiple communication lines.


2. Ring Topology

Ans: In Ring  communication system, there is no computer as such to transmit the data centrally. Thus, there is no controlling computer in this network. All local computers are connected to each other in a ring arrangement.


6. Differentiate between Bus Topology and Ring Topology

Ans: Bus Topology : In this topology, a signal transmission medium is shared by all the terminals as shown in the figure. When a particular computer wants to send a message to another computer, the system checks whether the communication line is free or not.


Ring Topology : In Ring  communication system, there is no computer as such to transmit the data centrally. Thus, there is no controlling computer in this network. All local computers are connected to each other in a ring arrangement.


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