Saturday, 29 January 2022

Lesson 8 Networking / Class 7th Computer


Computer Science


Lesson 8 Networking

Draw and label type of network

A. Fill in the blanks

Server,  local area network,  devices,  PAN , communication


1. Computer network referred to a group of various devices connected to each other.

2. server provides services to the workstation.

3. Cables are the most common communication medium in wired technology.

4. LAN stands for local area network.

5. PAN provide networking between individual person work area

B. True or False

1. Cost of PAN networking is very high.                                FALSE

2. WAN stands for world area network.                                 FALSE

3. Fibre optic cable and coaxial cable are types of wireless connection.     FALSE

4. HUB is a device which allows connecting multiple computers to communicate  with each other.                                                                          TRUE

5. We can see networking in various places like schools, banks etc.


C. Short answer questions

1. Name three types of cable used in wired connections.

Ans: Wired networking uses mainly three types of wires to connect

1. Twisted Pair cable

2. Coaxial Cable

3. Fibre-optic cable


2. Give some daily life examples where networking is used.

Ans: various example of networking in daily life such as: Networks of hospitals, schools, shopping malls, bank, railways lines and airplanes etc


3. Name the hardware used in networking.

Ans: 1. Computers -Server , Workstation

2. HUB

3. Cables

4. Network Interface Card


D. Long answer type questions

1. What is networking?

Ans: A network is basically a collection of computers and other devices that are linked together to exchange data. Each device on the network is referred to as a node, and each node has its own address, which is a numerical value.


2. Write four advantages of networking.

Ans: Advantages of Networking

1. Sharing of hardware resources

2. Lower cost

3. Efficient use of storage media

4. Better communication

5. Anyone can connect to a computer network

6. Data can be stored offline

7. People can share information freely


3. Explain types of computers used in networking.

Ans: Computers – In networking two or more computers are needed to connect with each other.

1)Server (provides services to the workstations)

2) Workstation (every system connected to the network and take services from  server )


4. Mention some parameters of PAN.

Ans: PAN (Personal Area Network) : Pan is a computer network for interconnecting devices on an individual person work area. It provides networking between the devices such as Laptop, tablets, computers, mobiles.


5. Differentiate between LAN, MAN, WAN,PAN



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